Packet Capture – Microsoft Windows Built-in Packet Capture PKTMON (Older NETSH TRACE)

Yes, both Windows 10 and 11 include a built-in command-line tool for packet capturing named “Packet Monitor” or pktmon. It was introduced in the Windows 10 May 2020 Update (version 2004) and is also present in Windows 11.  It’s also included in Windows Server 2019/2022.

Here’s a brief overview of how to use pktmon:

  1. Start a capture:

To start capturing network traffic, open Command Prompt as an administrator and use the following command:

pktmon start --etw -m real-time

In this command:

– –etw stands for “Event Tracing for Windows” which is a mechanism for tracing and logging high-frequency events.

– -m real-time enables real-time monitoring.

  1. Stop a capture:

When you’re ready to stop capturing packets, use the following command:

pktmon stop

This will stop the packet capturing process.

  1. Filter a capture:

You can also filter the packets that pktmon captures. For example, to capture only the packets that involve a specific IP address, use the following command:

pktmon filter add -i <ip_address>

Replace <ip_address> with the IP address you’re interested in.

  1. Convert a capture to PCAP format:

By default, pktmon saves its captures in an ETL format, which isn’t compatible with common packet analysis tools like Wireshark. Fortunately, pktmon can convert its ETL captures to PCAP format, which is more broadly compatible. Here’s how:

pktmon etl2pcap {etlfile} --out {pcap name}.pcap

In this command, is the ETL file you want to convert and .pcap is the name you want to give to the converted file.

Please note that the pktmon tool provides quite basic packet capture capabilities. For more advanced network traffic analysis, third-party tools like Wireshark might be more suitable.


In this example I’ll use my blog “” and filter it down to HTTPS traffic.

pktmon filter add -i -p 443

Verify filter:

pktmon filter list
Packet Filters:
     # Name    IP Address    Port
     - ----    ----------    ----
     1  443

Start Packet Capture:

This option will actually be in real-time on your screen. You don’t have to do it this way. You could just save it to the local file.

pktmon start --etw -m real-time

Stop the Packet Capture:

pktmon stop

Convert the ETL file to a PCAP so you can view it in Wireshark:

pktmon etl2pcap PktMon.etl --out pktmonetl2pcap.pcap

Packets total:       836
Packet drop count:   1
Packets formatted:   836
Formatted file:      pktmonetl2pcap.pcap


Both pktmon and netsh trace are built-in tools in Windows for network troubleshooting, but they serve slightly different purposes and provide different levels of detail.

netsh trace is a part of netsh (Network Shell) utility which provides a powerful way to configure and monitor Windows networking components. The trace context of netsh provides simple packet capturing functionality, and it can output its captures in ETL format, which can then be converted to PCAP format using Microsoft’s netsh trace command or third-party tools.

On the other hand, pktmon (Packet Monitor) is a newer utility that provides a more user-friendly way to capture and analyze network traffic. It has a simpler command-line interface and can output its captures directly in PCAP format, making it easier to work with common packet analysis tools like Wireshark.

In terms of capabilities, both netsh trace and pktmon provide basic packet capture functionality. However, neither tool offers the same level of detail or flexibility as more specialized packet capture tools like Wireshark. For example, they don’t provide advanced filtering capabilities, and they don’t have graphical interfaces that make it easy to visualize and analyze network traffic.

So, to summarize, pktmon is a more modern and user-friendly tool than netsh trace, but both tools are suitable for basic packet capture tasks. For more advanced network analysis tasks, you might want to use a specialized tool like Wireshark.



To start the capture:

netsh trace start capture=yes overwrite=no maxSize=500 tracefile=c:\Users\capture1.etl

Trace configuration:
Status:             Running
Trace File:         C:\Users\capture1.etl
Append:             Off
Circular:           On
Max Size:           500 MB
Report:             Off

To stop the capture:

netsh trace stop

Correlating traces ... done
Generating data collection ... done
The trace file and additional troubleshooting information have been compiled as "c:\Users\".
File location = c:\Users\capture1.etl
Tracing session was successfully stopped.

The ETL file can be sent to anyone to convert it to a CAP file for Wireshark using Microsoft Message Analyzer. The default maxSize is 250MB but it can be changed just like I changed it above to 500MB. You can obviously change the capture name and location if you want.

There are more specific setting you can change. Below is the help output using the command “show capturefilterhelp” under “netsh trace”:

netsh trace>show capturefilterhelp

  Capture Filters:
        Capture filters are only supported when capture is explicitly
        enabled with capture=yes. Supported capture filters are:

         Enables packet capture for the specified interface name or GUID. Use
         'netsh trace show interfaces' to list available interfaces.
        e.g. CaptureInterface={716A7812-4AEE-4545-9D00-C10EFD223551}
        e.g. CaptureInterface=!{716A7812-4AEE-4545-9D00-C10EFD223551}
        e.g. CaptureInterface="Local Area Connection"

         Matches the specified filter against both source and destination
         MAC addresses.
        e.g. Ethernet.Address=00-0D-56-1F-73-64

         Matches the specified filter against source MAC addresses.
        e.g. Ethernet.SourceAddress=00-0D-56-1F-73-64

         Matches the specified filter against destination MAC addresses.
        e.g. Ethernet.DestinationAddress=00-0D-56-1F-73-64

         Matches the specified filter against the MAC ethertype.
        e.g. Ethernet.Type=IPv4
        e.g. Ethernet.Type=NOT(0x86DD)
        e.g. Ethernet.Type=(IPv4,IPv6)

         Matches the specified filter against the Wifi type. Allowed values
         are 'Management' and 'Data'. If not specified, the Wifi.Type filter
         is not applied.
         Note: This capture filter does not support ranges, lists or negation.
        e.g. Wifi.Type=Management

         Matches the specified filter against the IP protocol.
        e.g. Protocol=6
        e.g. Protocol=!(TCP,UDP)
        e.g. Protocol=(4-10)

         Matches the specified filter against both source and destination
         IPv4 addresses.
        e.g. IPv4.Address=
        e.g. IPv4.Address=!(
        e.g. IPv4.Address=(,

         Matches the specified filter against source IPv4 addresses.
        e.g. IPv4.SourceAddress=

         Matches the specified filter against destination IPv4 addresses.
        e.g. IPv4.DestinationAddress=

         Matches the specified filter against both source and destination
         IPv6 addresses.
        e.g. IPv6.Address=fe80::5038:3c4:35de:f4c3\%8
        e.g. IPv6.Address=!(fe80::5038:3c4:35de:f4c3\%8)

         Matches the specified filter against source IPv6 addresses.
        e.g. IPv6.SourceAddress=fe80::5038:3c4:35de:f4c3\%8

         Matches the specified filter against destination IPv6 addresses.
        e.g. IPv6.DestinationAddress=fe80::5038:3c4:35de:f4c3\%8

         Matches the specified filter against the value at the specified
         offset starting with the MAC header.
         Note: This capture filter does not support ranges, lists or negation.
        e.g. CustomMac=UINT8(0x1,0x23)
        e.g. CustomMac=ASCIISTRING(3,test)
        e.g. CustomMac=UNICODESTRING(2,test)

         Matches the specified filter against the value at the specified
         offset starting with the IP header.
         Note: This capture filter does not support ranges, lists or negation.
        e.g. CustomIp=UINT16(4,0x3201)
        e.g. CustomIp=UINT32(0x2,18932)

         Enables multi-layer packet capture.
         Note: This capture filter does not support ranges, lists or negation.

         Captures only the the specified number of bytes of each packet.
         Note: This capture filter does not support ranges, lists or negation.
        e.g. PacketTruncateBytes=40

        Multiple filters may be used together. However the same filter may
        not be repeated.
        e.g. 'netsh trace start capture=yes Ethernet.Type=IPv4

        Filters need to be explicitly stated when required. If a filter is
        not specified, it is treated as "don't-care".
         e.g. 'netsh trace start capture=yes IPv4.SourceAddress='
              This will capture IPv4 packets only from, and it
              will also capture packets with non-IPv4 Ethernet Types, since
              the Ethernet.Type filter is not explicitly specified.
         e.g. 'netsh trace start capture=yes IPv4.SourceAddress=
              This will capture IPv4 packets only from Packets
              with other Ethernet Types will be discarded since an explicit
              filter has been specified.

        Capture filters support ranges, lists and negation (unless stated
         e.g. Range: 'netsh trace start capture=yes Ethernet.Type=IPv4
              This will capture IPv4 packets with protocols between 4 and 10
         e.g. List: 'netsh trace start capture=yes Ethernet.Type=(IPv4,IPv6)'
              This will capture only IPv4 and IPv6 packets.
         e.g. Negation: 'netsh trace start capture=yes Ethernet.Type=!IPv4'
              This will capture all non-IPv4 packets.

        Negation may be combined with lists in some cases.
         e.g. 'netsh trace start capture=yes Ethernet.Type=!(IPv4,IPv6)'
               This will capture all non-IPv4 and non-IPv6 packets.

        'NOT' can be used instead of '!' to indicate negation. This requires
        parentheses to be present around the values to be negated.
         e.g. 'netsh trace start capture=yes Ethernet.Type=NOT(IPv4)' 

Converting the ETL File

The ETL file can be sent to anyone to convert it to a PCAP file for Wireshark viewing. The default maxSize is 250MB but it can be changed. You can obviously change the capture name and location if you want.

1. Microsoft Message Analyzer

This ETL file is converted using Microsoft Message Analyzer:

1. First open the ETL in MMA
2. Go to File, Save As, All Messages, Export to export it as a CAP

This tool is retired by Microsoft, but if you have still have it, you can use it.

2. Microsoft Github Script ETL2PCAPNG

There’s now a free tool that will convert these ETL files to PCAPNG files.