Find Active Users with PW Expires Date/Time: Import-Module ActiveDirectory Get-ADUser -SearchBase "DC=cordero,DC=me" -filter {Enabled -eq $True -and PasswordNeverExpires -eq $False}...
This will allow you to run Bash scripts from ZSH by just doing ./{script}. Shebang – From the CLI, add...
I was getting this error: File C:\Scripts\XXXXXX.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file C:\Scripts\XXXXXX.ps1 is not digitally signed. You cannot run...
# Author: Kerry Cordero # Version: 1.0.0 # Description: This script will find IP Location via ipstack API import requests...
Get-ADUser -Identity "kcordero" -Properties MemberOf | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MemberOf ...
There are two scripts below. This is if you’re in an environment where you MAC Addresses and ARP table are...
# Author: Kerry Cordero # Version: 1.0.0 # Description: This script will find IP Location via ipstack API import requests...
Before we dive into the specifics, let’s take a moment to revisit what RFCs are. Standing for “Request for Comments,”...
I was getting an error when I went to run a PowerShell script. This was the error: PS C:\> .\kerrys-script.ps1...