Cisco Device Timeout Values

The timeout values for various protocols and functions in Cisco ASA, Cisco routers, and Cisco switches can vary depending on the specific device model and software version. Here are some common timeout values associated with different protocols and functions:

Cisco ASA:

  1. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol):
  • ARP Cache Timeout: The default ARP cache timeout is 4 hours (240 minutes).
  1. MAC Addresses:
  • MAC Address Table Aging Time: The default MAC address table aging time is 5 minutes.
  1. TCP/IP:
  • TCP Connection Timeout: The default TCP connection timeout is typically 1 hour (3600 seconds) for established connections.
  • TCP SYN Timeout: The default TCP SYN timeout is often around 30 seconds.
  1. NAT (Network Address Translation):
  • NAT Translation Timeout: The default timeout for NAT translations is usually around 1 hour (3600 seconds).

Cisco Routers:

  1. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol):
  • ARP Cache Timeout: The default ARP cache timeout can vary but is typically around 4 hours (240 minutes).
  1. MAC Addresses:
  • MAC Address Table Aging Time: The default aging time for MAC addresses in the MAC address table is typically 5 minutes.
  1. TCP/IP:
  • TCP Connection Timeout: The default TCP connection timeout can vary but is often around 1 hour (3600 seconds) for established connections.
  • TCP SYN Timeout: The default TCP SYN timeout can vary but is commonly around 30 seconds.
  1. Routing Protocols:
  • Routing Protocol Timers: The timers for various routing protocols like OSPF, EIGRP, or BGP can have different default values depending on the specific protocol and configuration.

Cisco Switches:

  1. ARP (Address Resolution Protocol):
  • ARP Cache Timeout: The default ARP cache timeout is usually around 4 hours (240 minutes).
  1. MAC Addresses:
  • MAC Address Table Aging Time: The default aging time for MAC addresses in the MAC address table is typically 5 minutes.
  1. STP (Spanning Tree Protocol):
  • STP Forward Delay: The default forward delay timer in STP is often 15 seconds.
  • STP Max Age: The default maximum age timer in STP is usually 20 seconds.
  1. VLANs:
  • VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) Advertisement Timeout: The default VTP advertisement timeout is 5 minutes.

It’s important to note that these timeout values are defaults and can be modified based on specific requirements and network design. Always consult the official Cisco documentation or device configuration guides for accurate and up-to-date information on timeout values for your specific Cisco device model and software version.