I wanted a way to server for servers with specific partial names. For example, let us say I’m searching for...
Windows Active Directory (AD) DNS (Domain Name System) is a service provided by Microsoft Windows Server that is tightly integrated...
The responsibility for handling the procurement of hardware and software in an IT environment typically involves collaboration among various stakeholders...
The nominal speed of a network connection, such as Gigabit Ethernet (1G) or 10-Gigabit Ethernet (10G), refers to the maximum...
Jumbo Frames refer to Ethernet frames that carry a payload of up to 9000 bytes, instead of the standard 1500...
Intrasite and Intersite Replication in Active Directory: Intrasite Replication: This is the replication that happens within a site. By default,...
This will dump all GPO’s into HTML files. Get-GPO -all | % { Get-GPOReport -GUID $_.id -ReportType HTML -Path "C:\MyExports\$($_.displayName).html"...
Below is a chart to figure out how many inches is 1U in a Rack. This comes in handy when...
This is one way to find public IP Ranges for email using DIG. This is used if you want to...