Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the data flow: DNS Resolution: The user enters “” into their browser’s address bar. The...
Jumbo Frames refer to Ethernet frames that carry a payload of up to 9000 bytes, instead of the standard 1500...
I’m focusing more on DNS updates. Below is how long a DNS record will update (new record or updated record)....
Here’s a simplified breakdown of the data flow that occurs when a client computer in an Active Directory (AD) environment...
CALCULATE TCP THROUGHPUT The default TCP window size in Windows Server is typically 64KB, but can go up to 2MB...
Another good topic to talk about. I’ll blog soon about NTP in general when it comes to stratums and a...
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) for IT Networking is a crucial aspect of ensuring the availability and resilience of network infrastructure...
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a critical cryptographic protocol designed to secure communications over computer networks. As cyber threats evolve,...
Get-ADGroup -Filter * | Select-Object Name, GroupCategory, GroupScope | Format-Table -AutoSize...
After an upgrade to my oh-my-zsh software, I was getting a bunch of errors like the ones below: [oh-my-zsh] Insecure...