I was getting this error: File C:\Scripts\XXXXXX.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file C:\Scripts\XXXXXX.ps1 is not digitally signed. You cannot run...
There are times you need to find what your public IP Address especially when doing firewall work. There are environments...
Below are some good questions you should be asking when looking into SD-WAN....
Windows: In this example you can see the One Drive is using port 443. C:\>netstat -aon | findstr "443" TCP...
netstat -na | find “51000” or netstat -np [protocol] | find “port #” netstat -np tcp | find “51000” or...
There are 4 commands that are useful: netstat -s netstat -e netsh interface ipv4 show ipstats netsh interface ipv4 show...
Below is a good document from Cisco:...
WINDOWS EVENT IDs USED Windows Logs > Security: 4624 – Logon Success 4768 – Authentication Ticket Granted 4769 – Service...
I ran accross an issue where a Cisco VCSE device was setup by another engineer but the Palo Alto FW...
TCPdump is an indispensable tool system administrators, network engineers, and cybersecurity professionals use for network troubleshooting and analysis. The tool...