Certainly, here’s the packet capture procedure on Cisco IOS with specific source IPs, destination IPs, and ports incorporated into the...
iPerf is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks. It supports tuning of various...
netstat -na | find “51000” or netstat -np [protocol] | find “port #” netstat -np tcp | find “51000” or...
I work a lot with other products like HP Dell-Brocade, and EMC. Sometimes I need to port-channel to them, but...
Setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can be tedious. There are multiple phases involved and numerous parameters to be...
TCPdump is an indispensable tool system administrators, network engineers, and cybersecurity professionals use for network troubleshooting and analysis. The tool...
In my case I was troubleshooting an interface that had to be 100Mb. But these commands can be used on...
Cisco has a command that can run TDR tests on an interface. A TDR (time-domain reflectometer) is an electronic instrument...
Windows: In this example you can see the One Drive is using port 443. C:\>netstat -aon | findstr "443" TCP...