CALCULATE TCP THROUGHPUT The default TCP window size in Windows Server is typically 64KB, but can go up to 2MB...
Find Active Users with PW Expires Date/Time: Import-Module ActiveDirectory Get-ADUser -SearchBase "DC=cordero,DC=me" -filter {Enabled -eq $True -and PasswordNeverExpires -eq $False}...
Get-ADGroupMember "Domain ADmins" | Get-AdUser -Property LastLogonDate | select name,distinguishedName,LastLogonDate...
Windows: In this example you can see the One Drive is using port 443. C:\>netstat -aon | findstr "443" TCP...
There are times you need to find what your public IP Address especially when doing firewall work. There are environments...
netstat -na | find “51000” or netstat -np [protocol] | find “port #” netstat -np tcp | find “51000” or...
These scripts are an easy way to see if there are any older Windows devices in your domain. You can...
Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties DisplayName, EmailAddress, Title | select DisplayName, EmailAddress, Title | Export-CSV "C:\Scripts\Email_Addresses.csv" ...
WINDOWS EVENT IDs USED Windows Logs > Security: 4624 – Logon Success 4768 – Authentication Ticket Granted 4769 – Service...
There are 4 commands that are useful: netstat -s netstat -e netsh interface ipv4 show ipstats netsh interface ipv4 show...